It Was Supposed to Happen Because It Did

Think about it...That thing that happened...?  If it wasn't supposed to have happened, it wouldn't have. Some people prefer the statement “Everything happens for a reason”, but my version just speaks to me a little more clearly.



I can honestly attribute my peaceful existence to this one statement. When I look at my life through this lens it gives me the choice to accept absolutely everything with intention (“choice” being the operative word here.) If I am driving down the freeway and it suddenly comes to a stop, I tell myself “This was supposed to happen because it did.” Perhaps there is an accident up ahead that I am now avoiding or something on the radio that I need to hear in the next couple of minutes. I have the option to choose an interpretation that empowers me rather than paints me as the victim of some uncontrollable circumstance. Inside of MY interpretation I can create any meaning that I want for anything that occurs in my life. This was especially effective for me when my best friend was killed in a car accident. I could have chosen to see the tragedy and unfairness of the situation but instead I chose to make her death mean that I should treasure every moment that I have with those around me. I had the choice and opportunity to make her life mean something truly inspiring.



When we fail to see that there is always a choice, we get stuck and will often blame sources outside ourselves for our struggles. This puts us at the effect of others or even the environment and takes away our power. Sometimes owning our circumstances and choosing to take responsibility can be a scary thing. There may be something that needs to be let go of or examined and often times this can be painful.



I invite you to play with this statement. See what it can do for you in your life. See what fun, inspiring and empowering interpretations you can make up for the things that happen in your life. Consider that they are happening not TO you but FOR you. Consider that even reading this blog post was supposed to happen for you because it did.